September 17, 2021

Azure SQL Database - Encryption at rest

What is encryption at rest?

Encryption is the secure encoding of data used to protect confidentiality of data.

The purpose of encryption at rest

Encryption at rest provides data protection for stored data (at rest). Encryption at rest is designed to prevent the attacker from accessing the unencrypted data by ensuring the data is encrypted when on disk. If an attacker obtains a hard drive with encrypted data but not the encryption keys, the attacker must defeat the encryption to read the data. 

Azure SQL Database

Azure SQL Database currently supports encryption at rest for Microsoft-managed service side and client-side encryption scenarios.

Support for server encryption is currently provided through the SQL feature called Transparent Data Encryption. Once an Azure SQL Database customer enables TDE key are automatically created and managed for them. Encryption at rest can be enabled at the database and server levels. As of June 2017, Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) is enabled by default on newly created databases. Azure SQL Database supports RSA 2048-bit customer-managed keys in Azure Key Vault. 

Client-side encryption of Azure SQL Database data is supported through the Always Encrypted feature. Always Encrypted uses a key that created and stored by the client. Customers can store the master key in a Windows certificate store, Azure Key Vault, or a local Hardware Security Module. Using SQL Server Management Studio, SQL users choose what key they'd like to use to encrypt which column.

For Azure SQL Managed Instance, the TDE protector is set at the instance level and is inherited by all encrypted databases on that instance.

To provide Azure SQL customers with two layers of encryption of data at rest, infrastructure encryption (using AES-256 encryption algorithm) with platform managed keys is being rolled out. This provides an addition layer of encryption at rest along with TDE with customer-managed keys, which is already available. For Azure SQL Database and Managed Instance, all databases, including the master database and other system databases, will be encrypted when infrastructure encryption is turned on.

Transparent data encryption (TDE) helps protect Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Managed Instance, and Azure Synapse Analytics against the threat of malicious offline activity by encrypting data at rest. It performs real-time encryption and decryption of the database, associated backups, and transaction log files at rest without requiring changes to the application. By default, TDE is enabled for all newly deployed Azure SQL Databases and must be manually enabled for older databases of Azure SQL Database. For Azure SQL Managed Instance, TDE is enabled at the instance level and newly created databases. TDE must be manually enabled for Azure Synapse Analytics.

TDE performs real-time I/O encryption and decryption of the data at the page level. Each page is decrypted when it's read into memory and then encrypted before being written to disk. TDE encrypts the storage of an entire database by using a symmetric key called the Database Encryption Key (DEK). On database startup, the encrypted DEK is decrypted and then used for decryption and re-encryption of the database files in the SQL Server database engine process. DEK is protected by the TDE protector. TDE protector is either a service-managed certificate (service-managed transparent data encryption) or an asymmetric key stored in Azure Key Vault (customer-managed transparent data encryption).

How to check if existing database is Encrypted?

Below query returns information about the encryption state of a database and its associated database encryption keys. 

select db_name(database_id),key_algorithm,encryption_state_desc 

from sys.dm_database_encryption_keys

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